Horror sequels that took place in space

Horror film sequels are always popular, and most horror film fans are searching for the next terrifying experience. But what happens when the villains of horror films go to space? Here are five horror film villains that traveled to outer space. Some were successful, but others did not fare as well.

The Leprechaun

Leprechaun 4: In Space is a disappointment in the Leprechaun horror film franchise. Yes, it's set in space, but that's precisely what makes it so mind-numbingly fantastic. An excellent illustration of how an absurd concept may be elevated to something really "unique" is seen in Leprechaun 4. The movie is chock-full of realistic effects, imaginative killings, and Leprechaun lines that will have you rolling on the floor. It's a must-see for fans of the Leprechaun series or horror films in general, but it's not only for them.


Hellraiser: Bloodline is an intriguing continuation of the series that also acts as a precursor to the events that have come before. The narrative jumps between three distinct eras, beginning in the 1700s and ending in the 2200s. My anticipation for the fourth film in the series was not very high, and if we're being honest, I'm really just here for Pinhead and the other Cenobites. Seeing Doug Bradley live is always a treat because he never loses that chilly, menacing, and demonic air that he exudes throughout his shows. This is illogical and difficult to understand, but who cares about any of those things? Pinhead's moments in Bloodline are so horrific that you should see the movie even if you have watched everything else in the Hellraiser or any of the other works that Clive Barker has created, then you definitely need to check out this one. Even if there isn't a whole lot of logic to it, it's still a great fun ride all the same.


When I heard that Critters 4 would take place in space, I was interested. I mean, how could they top the Critters movies that came before? But when I looked at the cast list, it didn't look good. Dourif, Brad? Angela Bassett? And a well-known actor from Denmark named Anders Hove? I couldn't figure out how this would work.

And my worst worries were realized while seeing Critters 4. The plot was poor, the characters were terrible, and the setting was a rip-off of other properties. From a fan's standpoint, what hurts the most is that the elements that made the prior installments distinctive and fun are either totally eliminated or absent. Critters 4 is a terrible disaster and a major letdown.


Dracula 3000 is one of the few bad horror movies that are so bad that they're almost impossible to watch. I hate Dracula 3000 and I love it. Even though it's terrible the whole time, the worst part is the ending, which was a total cop-out and left me feeling very unsatisfied. I thought "Dracula in Space" would be so bad that it would be funny, but it was so bad that it was awful. The idea is fun, but the acting is bad and the dialogue is so bad that it's almost impossible to watch. If you want to feel bad for the rest of the day, you should watch it.

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Jason Voorhees

The most well-known space-based horror sequel is Jason X. An iconic figure is Jason Voorhees. It doesn't matter how he got there. It is unclear why he is in space. All that matters is that Jason is in space and prepared to wreak havoc.

I think Jason X is entertaining to watch for the transformation of Jason into Uber Jason as well as the Easter eggs and throwbacks to prior Friday the 13th flicks.

While (blog) this movie isn't everyone's bag, it's a terrific viewing for horror movie enthusiasts who adore campy, cheesy, slasher pictures.


Horror movie sequels are a VERY mixed bag. Some sequels, like Leprechaun 4: In Space, take a crazy idea and make it into something even better. Some, like Dracula 3000, are so bad that they are almost impossible to watch. If you like horror movies, you should check out some of the more famous horror movie sequels that take place in space. Who knows, maybe you'll find a new scary movie you love.

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